Management Consulting

IT Consulting

Short and Long Term Engagements

Gary brings a wealth of knowledge, objectivity, and efficiency to your organization.

A consulting engagement can provide the experience of navigating complex scenarios, enhance current operations and reduce costs, and ultimately drive positive change.

For Start-ups and Small Companies, it provides the opportunity of bringing in Executive Level expertise and experience not generally available within your company.

  • Leadership Development & Succession Planning

    Organizational Development

    Operational Efficiency

    Financial Management

    Supply Chain and Logistics

    Project Management

    Change Management

    Risk Management and Compliance

  • Information Technology (IT) Strategy

    Data Architecture, Analytics and Business Intelligence

    Data Center Strategy

    Public & Private Clouds


    ERP Implementations

    IT Asset Management

    SaaS Implementations

    User Experience

  • Specialized business knowledge in Supply Chain, Transportation & Logistics, Retail/Grocery, TelCo, Real Estate, Architecture/Eng/Construction.

    Can assess your organization's processes, problems, and opportunities without biases or preconceived notions, offering a fresh and objective viewpoint.

    Skilled at identifying inefficiencies and bottlenecks in operations and suggest improvements to increase efficiency and productivity.

    Help you avoid costly mistakes by offering cost-effective solutions based on prior experience.

    Quicker results than an in-house team trying to solve a problem for the first time.

    Extensive networks of contacts and resources.

    Can tailor recommendations and solutions to your organization's specific needs and goals.

    Guidance on effective change management, communication to help your organization adapt to new strategies or technologies.

    Training and Skill Transfer to assist in maturing your staff.

    Risk mitigation associated with specific projects or initiatives.

The first call opens the door to fresh ideas and solutions for your organization.

Schedule a suitable time for a more in-depth discussion!